Sheyenne Smith

 I'm sorry, but I can't post anymore, I've moved.
Hi I am Sheyenne. I am very nice. I eam not man. I am in Washington. Guess where I moved from? Phoenix! It's a long way from here. Isn't it? I think its very cold up here. I think Phoenix is a lot hotter than Washington because I am freezing up here. I have a lot of friends up here.They are nice to me and I will be nice to them so we are nice kids.

Banana who?
Banana are you glad I didn't say orange again!!!!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

It wanted its chicks!!

This is about a lot of poems its because I realy like poems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is red? 
A flour is red.
Just like a power!

  RHYMING WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOON        COON          BABOON        CA BOOM!!!!!


OK i like to make people fetal good so i help them if they need it. I would help if they need it. It is because i want to be friends with my hole school so that is what i want to do. I  want to win that party for the bake sale i think we are going to win the party. so what i like to do is play on the monkey bars and some times i go cheer lead i want to talk about how is school going. it i is going great i am learning more stuff in school and i am having fun with my friends. my friends are really nice you know.So if you want to meat them go to MR .C'S class OK.


Thar was a dog that was black it was only a pup and it had no food it had no home and it was lonely.Thar was a boy that was sitting on the porch it saw the pup and fell in love with it. The dog did not see it until the little boy said HEY OVER HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then the dog heard him and went to him and the boy said i will take good care of you and you will always be mine nobody will tell me different. I LOVE YOU will you be my dog the dog barked as a yes the boy was happy and the dog was happy as they could be. Now they went in side the boy gave the dog some food.The boy sandy w hated for the dog to finish his food. So she did what for her to finish the food. She wanted to go out and play so they did go out and play they wanted to play fetch Sandy through the stick and the black dog went to go after the stick.After that the boy Sandy wanted to name the dog the boy wanted to name the dog . the dog was happy to be eating. The boy was thinking of a name for the dog all the sudden he thought of a name he said rick is the name it is perfect that will be your name.