Eli Gaa

 Me and my art               

           Hi I'm Eli and I like art. I have studied art all of my life. You may not know but the Mona Lisa but I have studied it for 5 years now. the reason I have studied the Mona Lisa is because it is the most famous painting in the world just because of her mysterious smile. My teacher has asked me to bring in some pictures of art for the class blog to show. By the way another piece of art is the thinker. He is another piece of art that I like. maybe you might get to see the thinker some day. If you do take a picture of it to show your family and friends. Another reason is so you can hang it in your bedroom. As a young boy I had just started drawing but now I can draw really good. Also my big cousin Amie is so good at art that she does art classes for kids that do not know how to draw very good. Maybe you can take one of her classes some day and come out and draw thing you didn't know you could even draw. I hope that you can get good at drawing to so I can see one of your drawings some day.

Amie's art to

Amie has the best art because she has had so much practice on art that she can draw you and me perfectly inside and out. She lives in a log house next to a creek and her new baby girl Anna.

Fishing in the creek

 Sometimes if you look under rocks you might find crawdads under rocks but if you are not careful they will pinch you very hard.There is also a king fisher that it sometimes comes down from its nest and lands on the roof.

  Amie's house got burned down

When I got off the bus at my grandams and got inside I heard that my cusons house got burned down.