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I am BLAINE I know a lot about fishing. Once I caught a 20 pound king salmon! It was 81 centimeters. I caught it trolling.Trolling is when you use a little motor. Me and my dad like to go 2.5 mph. I also caught at :) :(
I like to eat silver salmon.least a 10 pound Coho salmon. Most of the time me and my dad usually use down riggers. A down rigger has a 8 to 12 pound ball on it. I caught the first Chinook in are boat! Flashers are 6 to 8 inches long, I think. Also I can tell you all the types of salmon there are Coho, Chinook, Chum, Pink, Sockeye. As you you can see there are many types of salmon.Fishing is a fun but tough sport.Like when line breaks.Knots are hard to tie.ALSO STEEL HEAD ARE NOT SALMON.Chinook are hardest to catch.Chinook are hardest to catch because a a they are the biggest,and lazy so when you hook them they are ready to battle.It takes me about 10 to 20 minute.Also silver or coho salmon and dog fish or chum salmon to jump.chum are purple and green.my favorite salmon to fish for is king salmon! My second favorite to fish for is coho.My least favorite is chum. king king salmon are blackish silver .Coho is silver.pink salmon are pink.me and my dad fish for silvers at bay shore. Back to knot tying.There is a egg loop .The pink salmon is the smallest. I think so.The biggest bass my dad ever caught was 4.8 pounds.
world war 2 didn't just start. what happened was war started in Europe then Hitler went to London and London called America for help in the war . America also went into war with japan because they bombed pearl harbor in 1940 . In 1944 people tried to kill Hitler in operation valkyer.people think Hittler died because it wasn't under ground and the bomb was not right by him.many times people tried to kill Hittler. Hittler decided it was best for him to die .He comited suiced in april.
now more about WWII
A nobel sniper
to become a noble sniper a sniper had to reach 40 kills to be a noble sniper.
One of the main guns used by americans was th mp40
one of the most brutul invasins done by americans was d-day. About 40,000 amercans died.
I was watching a show and found out that in the war the milatary used stealth planes the main plane used .